
Found a poem I wrote in 2006 (9th std). Couldn't have found this photo at a better time considering the BLM protests that are going on in the USA. 

A chunk of metal, yet it could
do what it was said it should.
Kept those downtrodden binded together,
who tried to escape hither and thither.
They were humans just like the higher race.
Yet their humanity no one wanted to trace.
Beaten and forbidden chucked in the ships,
Not yet a ship- a basement, hey peeps.
Look at that! They are mewling and pucking.
Yuck. Not to them, but the race that's winning.
It's white and it's clean, a colour that's pride.
But if black gives a heart, it's better than white.

Back to the basement here we come.
Time of selling souls has begun.
Out they are thrown straight to the market.
Just give a coin and your slave, 'take it'.
Taken to home yet it is hell.
Who is who, no one could tell.
'Hey you are rude! I ain't your slave'
'How dare you, you black get in the cave!'
A chunk of metal, yet binds together.
He tries to escape hither and tither.


Must have written this after reading a story about slave trade and how they were transported and sold in the markets.


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